Category: teaching

MICC Reading Group on Multimedia and Vision

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By , May 13, 2013

MICC Reading GroupAndy Bagdanov and I are organizing a paper reading group on Multimedia and Vision at the MICC of University of Florence.

We plan a meeting once every three weeks (approximately), usually from 12.00 to 13.30. The schedule of our meetings and the material are available on this page.

DBMM 2009 Contest

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By , October 19, 2009

DBMM 2009 Contest

MICC laboratories, Florence, 21st October 2009 (10.30-13.30). Course on Multimedia Databases (DBMM) – laboratory lecture.

  • Goal: logo recognition in web images.
  • Dataset/testset: find 2 different logos vs 100 images.
  • Evaluation metrics: recognition performances will be evaluated in terms of Precision and Recall.

Tutors: Lamberto Ballan, Lorenzo Seidenari.

Download slides Go to document (with references) | Download Software & Dataset Go to document

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