PhD Thesis (and latex template)

By , February 14, 2011

Cover Phd thesis

I have submitted my PhD thesis: “Object and event recognition in multimedia archives using local visual features” (supervisors: Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo and Dr. Marco Bertini). The dissertation will be defended on April 21, 2011. The thesis committee is comprised of three members: Prof. Enrico Vicario (Univ. of Florence, ING-INF/05), Prof. Giuliano Benelli (Univ. of Siena, ING-INF/04), Prof. Marco Scarpa (Univ. of Messina, INF/01).

“The digital revolution has converted old, analog technologies into a digital format. In this context, due to the widespread availability of personal and professional imaging devices, the low cost of multimedia storage and ease of content transmission and sharing, the need to automatically analyze and organize large amounts of visual data becomes more and more prominent. But although data processing capabilities of machines are truly impressive if compared to a human, data interpretation skills are very poor. It is mainly due to the fact that machines can only compute low level properties of data that have no clear relation with high level conceptual semantics. We present in this thesis a step-by-step methodology to reduce this semantic gap and to achieve automatic annotation and retrieval of visual content. This task may consist of determining whether the visual data contains some specific property, object or activity. […]”

I report in this page also the latex template used for my thesis at MICC (now it is the standard in our lab) and a zip file with the cover template (useful to produce a cool book in 17×24 format).

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