ECCV Workshop on Web-scale Vision and Social Media

By , May 3, 2012

ECCV VSM 2012I am co-organizer (with Marco Bertini, Alex Berg and Cees Snoek) of the International Workshop on Web-scale Vision and Social Media, in conjunction with ECCV 2012.

The world-wide-web has become a large ecosystem that reaches billions of users through information processing and sharing, and most of this information resides in pixels. Web-based services like YouTube and Flickr, and social networks such as Facebook have become more and more popular, allowing people to easily upload, share and annotate massive amounts of images and videos all over the web.

Vision and social media thus has recently become a very active inter-disciplinary research area, involving computer vision, multimedia, machine-learning, information retrieval, and data mining. This workshop aims to bring together leading researchers in the related fields to advocate and promote new research directions for problems involving vision and social media, such as large-scale visual content analysis, search and mining.

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