Copy-Move Forgery Detection and Localization by Means of Robust Clustering with J-Linkage

By , March 20, 2013

copymove-300x207Our paper “Copy-Move Forgery Detection and Localization by Means of Robust Clustering with J-Linkage” by I. Amerini, L. Ballan, R. Caldelli, A. Del Bimbo, L. Del Tongo, and G. Serra, has been accepted for publication by the Signal Processing: Image Communication journal (pdf, link); more info on this page.

Understanding if a digital image is authentic or not, is a key purpose of image forensics. There are several different tampering attacks but, surely, one of the most common and immediate one is copy-move. A recent and effective approach for detecting copy-move forgeries is to use local visual features such as SIFT. Often, this procedure could be unsatisfactory, in particular in those cases in which the copied patch contains pixels that are spatially distant, and when the pasted area is near to the original source. In such cases, a better estimation of the cloned area is necessary in order to obtain an accurate forgery localization. We present a novel approach for copy-move forgery detection and localization based on J-Linkage which performs a robust clustering in the space of the geometric transformation.

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