Lab Bag-of-Words

By , November 14, 2013

University of Florence
Course on Multimedia Databases – 2013/14 (Prof. A. Del Bimbo)
Instructors: Lamberto Ballan and Lorenzo Seidenari


The goal of this laboratory is to get basic practical experience with image classification. We will implement a system based on bag-of-visual-words image representation and will apply it to the classification of four image classes: airplanes, cars, faces, and motorbikes.

We will follow the three steps:

  1. Load pre-computed image features, construct visual dictionary, quantize features
  2. Represent images by histograms of quantized features
  3. Classify images with Nearest Neighbor / SVM classifiers

Getting started

  • Download excercises-description.pdf
  • Download (type the password given in class to uncompress the file) including the Matlab code
  • Download including images and precomputed SIFT features; uncompress this file in lab-bow/img
  • Download including images and precomputed SIFT features; uncompress this file in lab-bow/img
  • Start Matlab in the directory  lab-bow/matlab and run exercises.m

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