Posts tagged: web-vision

CVIU Special Issue on Computer Vision and the Web

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By , September 14, 2016

cviuI am co-organizing a special issue for the Computer Vision and Image Understanding journal on “Computer Vision and the Web”, together with Shih-Fu Chang (Columbia University), Gang Hua (Microsoft Research Asia), Thomas Mensink (Univ. of Amsterdam), Greg Mori (Simon Fraser Univ.) and Rahul Sukthankar (Google Research). You can see all the details on the call for papers.

ECCV’16 Workshop on Web-scale Vision and Social Media

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By , May 2, 2016

I am co-organizing the 4th Int’l Workshop on Web-scale Vision and Social Media (VSM) at ECCV 2016, with Marco Bertini (Univ. Florence, Italy) and Thomas Mensink (Univ. Amsterdam, NL).


Vision and social media has recently become a very active inter-disciplinary research area, involving computer vision, multimedia, machine learning, and data mining. This workshop aims to bring together researchers in the related fields to promote new research directions for problems involving vision and social media, such as large-scale visual content analysis, search and mining.

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